What we offer

About Us

Lonelunawolf.productions is not just a platform, it’s a journey. A journey that began with Eshnah, a passionate musician who started creating songs and performing at the tender age of 14. His musical journey has spanned across genres and continents, from rock, funk, gospel, soul, punk rock, Electronica, Texas blues, Latin funk, industrial funk metal, bar bands in the U.S., and solo Lush harmonically rich open tunings acoustic guitar piano and singing, performances across Western Europe in cafes, bars, restaurants and summer festivals. Whether Performing acoustic solo guitar, piano and singing or amplified with a backing band, Eshnah channels his personal songs that always distinctly sound like him. Eshnah’s live improvisational interpretations of his own songs are always an expression of a dreamy sonic journey.

Eshnah’s journey took a transformative turn when he returned to the U.S. to study the healing arts and sciences. He became a transmutational healing facilitator, specializing in science-based no-touch energy healing modalities and plasma physics. His exploration didn’t stop there. He delved into the esoteric teachings of Hinduism, Christianity, Tibetan Buddhism, and Catholicism, enriching his understanding of the world and humanity.

Our Mission

At Lonelunawolf.productions, our mission is to share non-fiction information with the global community about Music, Healing Arts, and Sciences. We focus on science-based no-touch energy healing modalities and plasma physics, and we share people’s individual journeys on these subjects.

We aim to create a space for in-depth conversations with a stoic tinge of optimistic humor. We believe in the power of stories and the transformative potential of shared experiences. Our mission is to enlighten, inspire, and empower through our offerings.

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